Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Busy as an Engiebee!

I don't like to get into personal matters... wait, didn't I already write something like this? In theory I could go back and read the old posts. But many things are better left in theory. Like the Big Crunch theory where the universe is predicted to revert to its former state of milk chocolate and rice puffs.

...What was I talking about?

Oh. Right. Illness. Someone's been hit pretty hard with the bad luck stick in my family. Lots of things are falling back on me to organize now so I'm going to be even more scarce than I typically am. Stuff is still being worked on, most notably Femgineer (but everyone else who's waiting on my Glados contribution and some other tiny projects are getting wrapped up).

I'm a bit ashamed it's taken me this long, but I'll do my best to make things run smoothly.

Not like the Big Crunch. Those aren't smooth at all.

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