Saturday, July 9, 2011

Progress. Slow progress.

It appears as though I'm starting to finally catch up on some of my projects. Allergy tests are finally done with, revealing that I am allergic to something all year round! 
One of them on the list was cockroaches... I shiver in my boots at the prospect. Bleck. 

Creepy little buggers...    
So now that I'm aware of my triggers, all I need do now is stay the fuck away from them as best I can so I don't launch my throat into a hellish blood storm.

I've since started up on more soundpack progress. Female Scout will, unfortunately take some time. And I'm going to use math to show you!

Female Spy Lines = 249
Amount of Time to Complete Pack = 2.5 months

Female Scout Lines = 450+
Completed Lines = 30
I punch those numbers into my calculator and I get a kick to the teeth.
What truly holds up the progress on the pack is the level of energy that should be present throughout. The overall character is an irritating one, a pestering kind if know-it-all mentality that is entirely distasteful. That's why we LOVE Scout. He's an ASS.

But here's the tricky thing: in entertainment media of any genre women aren't typically get assigned these roles. Ever. When men are young jerky upstarts with class clown antics, it's charming and humorous. When women are assigned these traits, it's unappealing, grating, or marginalizing for that character. It's sad, but true: as far as the media is concerned, women are not allowed to be dicks. That's why they're called "dicks".

I had a professor who worked for a big player in network TV (I'm not Allowed to Be giving out Certain names). Charged with the duty of creating a villain for a new game they were producing, he designed a woman of high class and wit with flawless comedic timing and a tragic backstory. She was sharp. Demeaning. Delicous. And what did they tell my prof? 

Make it a man.

Now before the war of the sexes sprouts in anyone's mind, let me say this: 
Nelson rating demographics taken from children ages 8-13 show that the majority of that group's audience are male. And a survey conducted of that target group concluded with unwavering results that young boys did not like powerful women figures in their television programming.

And these are children. Food for thought, America.

Anyway, that's about as political as I'll ever get on this blog. I'm just in this for the fun.

In the meantime, enjoy the progress being made with the Glados lines for Dr. Hoove's custom Portal 2 map!
Gender is irrelevant to Glados; women burn just as easily as men.

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