Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Busy as an Engiebee!

I don't like to get into personal matters... wait, didn't I already write something like this? In theory I could go back and read the old posts. But many things are better left in theory. Like the Big Crunch theory where the universe is predicted to revert to its former state of milk chocolate and rice puffs.

...What was I talking about?

Oh. Right. Illness. Someone's been hit pretty hard with the bad luck stick in my family. Lots of things are falling back on me to organize now so I'm going to be even more scarce than I typically am. Stuff is still being worked on, most notably Femgineer (but everyone else who's waiting on my Glados contribution and some other tiny projects are getting wrapped up).

I'm a bit ashamed it's taken me this long, but I'll do my best to make things run smoothly.

Not like the Big Crunch. Those aren't smooth at all.

Friday, February 17, 2012

DustyOldRoses's Female Scout Soundpack

It took well over a year but it's finished. My rendition of a female Team Fortress 2 Scout based on AyesDyef's model.

Only lip synced to AyesDyef's model!

There. Released. Now I sleep.

Wait-- Femgineer. FFU-!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

EARLY release! GET IT?!

Pic by MaxofS2D
If Valve has taught me anything it's that you can take as long as you want to make something so long as you eventually make it and make it well. In retrospect this was a terrible lesson, and no amount of hats will ever rehabilitate me to function properly in society ever again.

So here you go:

NO LIP SYNC OR RELEASE VIDEO YET! The FULL release will be on my channel. This is just an early bird special for you blog and Twitter lurkers. Still works! Just no lip sync yet.
This link will be gone once the full release is made on my YouTube channel, so be sure to go back there to pick up the fully lip synced version and to check out my sassy release video!

To all my supporters, critics, friends and family - thank you doesn't even do my heart justice. I won't get all Lifetime special on anyone, but for now I'll just humbly express my gratitude. For your patience and faith me and my work, I thank you. As often as I was discouraged, you were all just as often rooting for me. Making it impossible for me to give up on such a massive, trying project. You cheeky bastards.

Thank you, enjoy, and take care, 